Regional Variations in Civil Commitment Proceedings for Adults in Virginia, FY 2016

TM Ko, AA Allen, KM Faris
February, 2019

Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy at the University of Virginia

This report addresses regional variations in Emergency Custody Orders (ECOs), Temporary Detention Orders (TDOs), the disposition of commitment hearings, commitment orders, and other actions related to civil commitment for FY 2016.

Commission on Mental Health Law Reform

Statistical Report of Mental Health Proceedings in FY 2011

In this report, the Commission estimates the numbers of ECOs, TDOs, commitment hearings and dispositions in FY 2011 and, to the extent possible, assess whether commitment practices have changed in the wake of the recent reforms.

Commission on Mental Health Law Reform

Civil Commitment Hearings: District Court Variations, July 2010 – June 2011

In this report, the Commission summarizes the disposition of commitment hearings for FY 2011. The data presented below pertain only to hearings involving adult respondents not already under a commitment order or in penal confinement at the time of the hearing. (In other words, the data exclude recommitment hearings as well as cases involving juveniles or persons in jail.) We refer to these hearings as “initial commitment hearings.”

Commission on Mental Health Law Reform

Civil Commitment Hearings: District Court Variations, July 2009 -  June 2010

In this report, the Commission summarizes the disposition of commitment hearings for FY 2010. The data presented below pertain only to hearings involving adult respondents not under a commitment order or in penal confinement at the time of the hearing. (In other words, the data exclude recommitment hearings as well as cases involving juveniles and persons in jail.) We refer to these hearings as “initial commitment hearings.”