Ruling That Dismissed Suit Against Therapist for Alleged Role in Conspiracy to Deny Child Custody to Mother Not Disturbed

Elwood v. Morin, No. 02- 56077, 2004 WL 26713 (9th Cir. 2004), cert. denied 125 S. Ct. 271 (2004)

Child custody disputes are frequently bitterly contested.  Mental health professionals may be asked to play a pivotal role by formulating and submitting a report regarding who should be assigned custody.  A disappointed party may subsequently file a lawsuit alleging improper behavior by the mental health professional in reaching his or her opinion. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review a ruling by the Ninth Circuit that affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit that alleged that a therapist had participated in a conspiracy to deprive a mother of the custody of her children...

Found in DMHL Volume 24 Issue 1