State Board Can Insist as Condition for Reinstating a License to Practice Medicine That a Physician Submit to a Psychiatric Exam by Medical Professional Pre-Approved by the Board; Ruling Not Disturbed

Mills v. Nolan, No. PC 01-4153 (RI. Super. Ct. Nov. 13, 2003), cert. denied, 125 S. Ct. 1304 (U.S. 2005)

A Rhode Island court upheld a decision by that state's Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline (Board) that a physician was not fit for practice and could only apply for reinstatement after she had undergone a psychiatric examination by a medical professional pre-approved by the Board.  The physician had argued that she was willing to be examined by a psychiatrist, but not one who was subject to the Board's control.  The court rejected this argument and concluded that she was required to comply with the Board's order and that her license could be suspended until she satisfied the Board's requirement...

Found in DMHL Volume 24 Issue 2